Quantarctica (QA; www.quantarctica.org) is a GIS data package built on the free GIS software QGIS. It includes a range of satellite imagery and scientific data, enabling users to develop their own Antarctic GIS analysis environment.
To help users become familar with the software, we are organizing a workshop on Saturday, 27 August, 14:00-18:00, just after the SCAR Open Science Conference. This workshop will gather a range of QA users to develop their knowledge base further and to gather feedback from them to finalize QA’s version 3, to be released in 2017. The workshop will begin with a presentation on the vision and future of QA, followed by a lecture on QA’s overall functions, hands-on sessions exploring QA’s datasets, features, and analysis tools, and reports on QA’s applications by experienced users. We request that all participants of the hand-on sessions bring a laptop with QA pre-installed.
To register, please visit the following page: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RR7G3PF Please register before 31 May.
If you have questions, please contact us at quantarctica@npolar.no