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Launch website Southern Ocean Decade & Polar Data Forum Week 2021

The official website for the Southern Ocean Decade & Polar Data Forum Week 2021 is launched the 18th of August. Please visit the website for more information about the events and how to register: Welcome to the Southern Ocean Decade & Polar Data Forum Week 2021 | SO Decade & PDF IV Week 2021 | 20 - 24 September 2021 | online (


2nd Southern Ocean Regional Workshop 20-22 September


In the framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the Southern Ocean Community engaged in a stakeholder-oriented process to develop the Southern Ocean Action Plan to provide a framework for Southern Ocean stakeholders to formulate and develop concrete activities that support the Decade vision.

Based on the First Southern Ocean Regional Workshop, this 2nd volume of the Southern Ocean contribution to the UN Ocean Decade will provide a space to gather ocean key stakeholders to further discuss and prioritize the Southern Ocean challenges, and identify tangible actions and deliverables to overcome these as a community.

The Workshop will combine a conference style meeting in support of knowledge exchange, with a public consultation approach that will build up to the development of the Final Southern Ocean Action Plan for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.


Polar Data Forum IV – 20-24 September


Polar Data Forum (PDF) is a place where polar data holders get together and make more use of data. The Forum has two main components: the Conference, where the border between funding, policy and data is explored through presentations and posters (23-24 September); and Workshop Sessions & Hackathons, where the Polar Data Community opens the dialogue to make progress on their shared objectives (20-22 September).

Based on the activities and discussions from PDF III, and particularly, on a workshop focused on marine data, this edition of the Polar Data Forum will put the focus on polar oceans. This also enables the Forum to be aligned with the launch of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.