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Call for Session Abstracts The Year of Polar Predictions Special Session International Congress on Arctic Social Science Conference

Organizers of the 9th International Congress on Arctic Social Science (ICASS IX) special session entitled, "Exploring the User-Producer Interface of Weather and Sea Ice Information in Support of Arctic Marine Mobilities: Defining Social and Interdisiplinary Science Contributions to the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP)" announce a call for session abstracts. The session will convene during the ICASS IX conference 8-12 June 2017 in Umea, Sweden.

The Polar Prediction Project (PPP) is a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) initiative to support coordinated international research efforts to improve weather and environmental prediction services for the polar regions. The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) is one of the flagship activities of the PPP. This special session is organized by members of the Societal and Economic Research and Applications (SERA) sub-committee of the PPP, in an effort to ensure that considerations around translating scientific success into societal value are incorporated within YOPP to inform and guide scientific and technological improvements.

In this session organizers seek to better understand the complexities of actors, information needs, information systems and infrastructures, funding structures, data management approaches, and applications of weather and sea ice prediction services in the polar regions. This session aims to discuss priority themes emerging from recent Societal and Economic Research and Applications (SERA) meetings.

Session organizers encourage contributions from a diversity of social science and humanities disciplines, from a range of career stages, and from indigenous peoples, northern residents, decision-makers, politicians, and academics working on issues related to this user-producer interface of weather and sea ice information.

Abstract submission deadline: 16 December 2016.

For directions on how to submit an abstract to this session, select "Theme 17 - Research Methodologies" followed by "17.15" on the ICASS website:

For more information about this session, go to:

For more information about the conference, go to:

For questions, contact:

Gita Ljubicic


Michiel Lamers
