• Conference Date: 18 May 2016, 08:00-23:00 GMT
• Event Format: Online conference (webinar)
• Abstract Submission Deadline: 18 April 2016
• Submit Abstracts HERE
Abstracts are now being accepted for the APECS International Online Conference, “Polar Sciences: Through New Eyes” which is scheduled to take place on 18 May 2016. Talks are maximum 12 minutes long, with 3 minutes for questions. This conference will encourage scientific dialogues between early career scientist from multiple disciplines and backgrounds, with presentations on new research perspectives from a range of research fields. With increased attention on the changing polar environment and the future challenges this will bring, this conference aims to convey the broad range of new research currently being conducted internationally.
Early career researchers are well placed to present new developments in their own fields through “new eyes,” while the conference provides an opportunity for those in the audience to gain exposure to a range of new techniques, methods, questions and themes. All polar researchers are invited to share their current research findings, but we particularly encourage the submission of abstracts by early career scientists, so they can gain invaluable experience presenting their research projects to the public. There will be a $300 prize given for best presentation at this conference which has been donated by APECS.
Session Themes
• Biological – marine/freshwater/terrestrial
• Geological/Environmental/terrestrial cryospheric environments
• Atmospherics/Climatology
• Oceanography/Sea-ice
• Cultural/Historical/Policy/Education
To submit an abstract, fill in the form at this link