The ANtarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network (ANGWIN) is a highly successful grassroots programme that was started in 2011. Although initially focused on the Antarctic, the group is now aiming to develop collaborations in both Polar Regions.
ANGWIN aims to use results from the network of instrumentation at international research stations to address the primary research goal of quantifying and understanding the dominant sources, propagation and impact of a broad spectrum of gravity waves on a continental-wide scale. They are holding a workshop in Cambridge, UK from 12-14 April 2016 which will be comprised of talks about new measurements and modelling studies of gravity waves in both the Antarctic and Arctic regions and also discussion sessions where new ideas and studies can be put forward.
The invited speaker at the workshop is Vincent Noel of Laboratoire d'Aerologie (CNRS) in Toulouse, France, who will be speaking about gravity waves and polar stratospheric clouds.
Thanks to generous support received from IAMAS, SCAR and VARSITI-SCOSTEP, two early-career scientists from countries with developing economies (Brazil and India) are being supported to attend. In addition, free registration and workshop dinner packages have been granted to four student/early-career scientists, and there are four more free registration packages available for students/early-career scientists who are an author on an abstract. Contact the chair of the local organising committee, Tracy Moffatt-Griffin, if you are interested.
Full details of the 3rd ANGWIN Workshop can be found on the workshop website.
Registration is open until 25 March and abstracts can be submitted during the registration process. The abstract submission deadline is 18 March. Visit the registration website for more detail.