After more than one year of joint efforts of the European Polar Science Week's organising committee members including EPB representatives, the conference has finally started. The European Polar Science Week is an important milestone in the cooperation between the European Commission and the European Space Agency and takes place in Copenhagen on 3-6 September 2024.
It was a great honour to have John Bell (Director Healthy Planet, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission) to announce the future European Polar Coordination Office (EPCO) during the opening ceremony. EPCO will be based in Umeå, Sweden from 2025 to 2029, coordinated by the EPB and will function as a central contact point for the European Commission (EC) and other policy and decision makers to reach the European polar science community.
The EPCO will be further introduced by Nicole Biebow, EPB Chair, during the European EC - ESA Collaboration Plenary at 14:30 CEST. Watch the livestream here:
More details can be also found on the EPB website:
or EC website: