EU boost for polar science
May 2015
A new initiative to enhance the integration of Europe’s scientific and operational capabilities in the Polar Regions has been funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme.
The €2 million five-year EU-PolarNet programme brings together 22 of Europe’s internationally-respected multi-disciplinary research institutions to develop and deliver an integrated European polar research programme that is supported by access to first-class operational polar infrastructures. EU-PolarNet will involve stakeholders from the outset to create a suite of research proposals whose scientific outcomes are directly relevant and beneficial to European society and its economy.
Polar issues have been rising up the political agenda across Europe over the past decade. The level of investment now being made by governments is a clear demonstration of how critical polar research is for forming policies, including those relating to climate change, energy security, global food security, innovation and economic growth.
By establishing an ongoing dialogue between policymakers, business and industry leaders, local communities and scientists EU-PolarNet aims to create an Integrated European Research Programme for the Antarctic and the Arctic. This legacy from EU-PolarNet will be sustained into the future by the European Polar Board, all of whose members are integrally involved with the project.
A key role for EU-PolarNet is to cooperate closely with the European Commission to provide support and advice on all issues related to the Polar Regions.
Dr Andrea Tilche, Head of the Climate Action and Earth Observation Unit, in the European Commission DG for Research and Innovation, comments:
"The European Commission welcomes this new Coordination Action which brings together polar scientific communities and other stakeholders. It creates a new "home" where science and innovation on polar issues can be discussed for the benefit of our planet and our societies".
The EPB Chair, Maaike Vancauwenberghe comments:
"EU-PolarNet benefits from the support of theEuropean Polar Board (EPB), who initiated the programme and actively participates to it through all it’s members. The EPB is the voice for the European polar research community and is a high-level facilitator of cooperation between European national funding agencies, national polar institutes and research organisations. The outcomes from EU-PolarNet will combine with EPB's role and mission in providing strategic polar policy advice to the European Commission and other international bodies. A major benefit of the involvement and support of the EPB is that thelegacy of EU-PolarNet will be reliably sustained by the EPB into the future.”
EU-PolarNet is a Horizon 2020 funded Coordination Action. Full information about the programme and its participants is at
Issued on behalf of EPB by
Renuka Badhe
European Polar Board
Tel.: +31 70 3494403
Contact details for EU-PolarNet project office:
Kristina Baer
Alfred Wegener Institute
Tel.: 0471/4831 - 2139
Fax: 0471/4831 - 1389
Notes for editors
EU-PolarNet benefits from its close cooperation and support from theEuropean Polar Board (EPB). The EPB is a high-level facilitator of cooperation between European national funding agencies, polar institutes and research organisations. Outcomes from EU-PolarNet through the EPB, will provide strategic science policy advice to the European Commission and other international bodies. A major benefit of the involvement and support of the EPB is that thelegacy of EU-PolarNet will be reliably sustained by the Board into the future.
Full information about the programme and its participants is at