Unlocking a continent: scientific research at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station,
Antarctica 2008-2016
29 April 2016 – Baudouin room - Palace of the Academies - Brussels
The Belgian National Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics (BNCGG) and the Belgian
National Committee on Antarctic Research (BNCAR) organize in collaboration with the
Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) a one-day scientific workshop entitled 'Unlocking
a continent: research activities at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station, Antarctica
2008-2015' on 29 April 2016 at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels. The purpose of the
workshop is to give an overview of current Antarctic scientific activities, with a particular
focus on results from the period 2008-2016 in the vicinity of the Princess Elisabeth Station,
GUEST SPEAKER: Prof. Martin SIEGERT, co-director of The Grantham Institute for
Climate Change, Imperial College London and Bristol Glaciology Center, UK. 2013 recipient
of the Martha T. Muse Prize for excellence in Antarctic science and policy.
The symposium consists of oral and poster presentations on Antarctic research activities in
the wide range of fields of geophysics, glaciology, biology, meteorology, climatology...
The final programme will be online on 4 April 2016 together with the abstract book. More
details on the programme and registration to the event can be found on: