APECS and INTERACT launch a guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science. The book was developed by APECS members and INTERACT station managers and it is freely available online: https://eu-interact.org/app/uploads/2022/10/INTERACTCo2-reduction-guidebook_FINAL-WORK_DPS.pdf
The guidebook is intended to inspire individuals to engage in efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Arctic science, through actions at the personal and institutional level. The book provides background information on global CO2 emissions and international efforts to regulate emissions, provides guidance on the complex issue of carbon footprint calculations and compensation schemes, and it discusses the necessity and impacts of travel related to both fieldwork and conferences.
Scientists are among the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. We need to continue research and monitoring efforts in our endeavours to understand climate change and its impact in the Arctic, but we need to be smarter and reduce emissions wherever we can. We need to act — the challenges society faces from emissions are known, and tools and mechanisms already exist to reduce emissions.