SAON CON -Recent Development in the Arctic Value Tree Analysis and National SAON Contact Points (POLAR2018 side meeting)
Davos, Switzerland
Arctic monitoring is still not largely supported for long-term and sustained observations. The first Arctic Science Ministerial declaration and the Arctic Council’s Fairbanks declaration are calling for increased efforts to observe the Arctic. The side meeting highlights the ongoing efforts to justify the needs for sustained and long-term Arctic observations within the Finnish Arctic Council Chairmanship project “Arctic Observation Value Tree Analysis –assessment for physical atmospheric and oceanic variables”, supported by SAON. It will also present the results of the previous initiative, conducted within STPI/SAON, resulting in the International Arctic Observations Assessment Framework. The Arctic Observation Value Tree Analysis project is a continuation to this assessment, aiming to define the lower levels of the value tree related to concrete physical atmospheric and oceanic variables and connecting them with key societal benefit objectives. The second half of the meeting focuses on different models and best practices for the establishment of national SAON offices or contact points that form the basic structure for information flow between the international and national arctic observing efforts.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
12.30pm - 2pm
A Wisshorn
Contact: Hannele Savela (
Full details of all POLAR2018 side meetings can be found at