EPB session at UArctic Congress 2021: European Cooperation in Polar Research – Past, Present and Future
UArctic Congress (online)
On Monday the 17th of May, 09.00-10.00 GMT, the European Polar Board (EPB) will host a session at the UArctic Congress 2021, titled European Cooperation in Polar Research – Past, Present and Future. The session is part of a series to celebrate the EPB’s 25th Anniversary.
Cooperation across national and disciplinary boundaries has long been characteristic of the European Arctic and Antarctic research community, conducive of its global leadership in Polar research. Since its formation in 1995, the European Polar Board (EPB) has worked to coordinate, promote and advance Polar research. This panel session will explore EPB initiatives that have successfully brought together the European polar research community and international partners, including examples of ongoing initiatives that continue the European spirit of cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic. Throughout its first 25 years, the EPB’s Members have coordinated to collectively support joint research funding, infrastructure access, research prioritisation, policy advice, and improved cooperation with international partners. With Europe at the forefront of international and interdisciplinary efforts to advance the collective knowledge of ongoing and emerging change in the Arctic and Antarctic, the session will look to future opportunities and challenges that require strong European cooperation in the Polar regions, building on the EPB’s past successes.
- Kirsi Latola (EPB Chair, UArctic Director of Thematic Networks, Thule Institute, University of Oulu): The first 25 years of the European Polar Board
- Vito Vitale (Italian National Research Council): National efforts and European coordination in Polar research
- Peter Sköld (Arctic Research Centre, Umeå University): The future of European cooperation in Polar research
- Nicole Biebow (Alfred Wegener Institute): Polar research and European policy
- Renuka Badhe (European Polar Board): European cooperation – lessons between the Poles
For more information on the UArctic Congress 2021, including registration, please visit https://events.bizzabo.com/290553/home